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Who Knows You??? December 10, 2011

Posted by dorerj15 in Music Ed., Networking, Uncategorized.
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A wise man once told me “it is not about who you know, but who knows you.” When I first heard that statement I thought to myself, “well, ok but who knows me?” and ever since that day I have been seeking to make sure that I get to know people, and more importantly people get to know me.

As an undergrad I am in the position of having to absorb a lot of knowledge in a very short time, all while attempting to start my professional appearance and student teach, as if I didn’t have enough on my plate already I now need to add networking into all of that?! MADNESS!!!


PMEA Music Advocacy video! May 3, 2011

Posted by dorerj15 in Advocacy, Music Ed..
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As Promised, the Pennsylvania Music Educators Music Advocacy Video is finally up!

Thank you to all of the music educators who came out to PMEA this year in Hershey, PA. This event was a highlight for many, it happened friday morning before sessions begain. Hundreds of Music teachers, past, present, and future all came together to raise support for music programs across Pennsylvania as well as across the nation.

Please Spread this video to raise awareness of the job cuts that are happening in music departments all over, and SAVE THE MUSIC!!


Technology in the Music Classroom April 21, 2011

Posted by dorerj15 in Advocacy, Music Ed., Uncategorized.
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More and more technology is being  integrated in classrooms, so why not enhance the class and involve the kids with the technology that  many of them already know how to use (better than their teachers)? With so much technology out there, and more being created everyday, what technology is worth using and what should rather be left outside the classroom?

My discerning factor in this is simple: if the kids can actively learn from it, and not be distracted, and use it; its good. bottom line- its for the kids.

Smart Boards in regular classrooms

More and more schools are being funded and provided with Smart Boards or the equivalent products. This new technology is being embraced my many school districts which is a great sign for education and in moving further into the 21st century.


Coolest thing since sliced bread!! April 5, 2011

Posted by dorerj15 in Music Ed..
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PMEA 2011!!!

I’m very excited to be apart of a great project coming up next week. I will be a part of a team of fellow classmates to provide Live Blogging for the upcoming Pennsylvania Music Educators Association Annual Conference, held this year in Hershey, PA April 14th-16th.  This will be my first time at the PMEA conference and as the date gets closer and closer I am finding myself getting more and more excited. I had the privilege of Attending the Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conference in Chicago Il this past December with my close friend and classmate Andrew Ritenour. What an experience, for an undergrad it was an eye opening, exciting  experience to the see wealth of knowledge and networking that is possible within our field. I am feeling the same excitement for the upcoming PMEA conference next week.


If you find your saying to yourself, “well gee that sounds great but I live outside of Pennsylvania” or “I can’t make it to the conference this year” or ” well that’s great but I cant afford it” then fear no longer, your solution is here! This year there will be a live-blogger station throughout the sessions at the conference! Unfortunately not every session can be covered, but the fearless Grove City Live-Bloggers will be doing our best to cover as much of the conference as possible. For the full schedule of sessions being covered be sure to check out the Landing page for the event. Just click on the session, or sessions, that you want to follow and you will be transported to the corresponding live-blog page.

Now all this sounds great in principal, but what about the craziness that is life? Have no fear, sign up for an email remind about your event! Don’t miss this great opportunity for professional development as well as learning more about our field and meeting fellow musicians!

The Grove City Live-Bloggers would like to extent a HUGE THANK YOU to Dr. Joseph Pisano and Grove City College for making internet access possible for this event. Thank You!


Meet the Grove City Live-Bloggers!

Andrew Ritenour- Future Music Educators

Brittany Bell- Adventures in Musicland

Emily Farrell- Waiting for a Story

Elizabeth Heist- Music Ed Highlights

Ryan Dore- Hey, that’s ME! Do I really have to put my web site down here? Look at your address bar for goodness sakes!

The Grove City Live-Bloggers are all Music Education Majors at Grove City College. This crew of Boisterous young college students will be tackling PMEA 2011 in an effort to provide professional learning from this great State Conference to music educators across the world! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to comment below or contact any of the Grove City Live-Bloggers, we make look tired worn out and crazy, but we don’t bite, and are always willing to talk or answer questions over a cup of coffee!


Not into the whole live-blogging scene? Have no fear, just follow us on Twitter using the #PMEA11 hash tag, and you will catch all of the great tweets from all of the music educators at this great conference! Don’t miss any of the action!

The Journey Begins… March 31, 2011

Posted by dorerj15 in Uncategorized.
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What to write? This question has plagued my brain for the past week or so, and in an effort to get my new blog up and running I thought I would explain a little bit my purpose behind this project and why I am writing.


I look at my life as one big journey. From start to finish we each have a journey to make and it is up to us to make the most out of it. I started my journey last century, (weird to say) and I now find myself at the epic age of 21. with the world at my finger tips and endless possibilities, I see myself with many options.


The story of how I got here, to Grove City College, is a good one, but I’ll maybe save that for another post. But right now the vehicle that is taking my on my life journey is Grove City College Department of Music. It’s a great ride and boy has it been an adventure so far. So many places I thought I’d never see, like the football field in a marching band uniform( I played football in HS, no marching band where I come from!).


My purpose in writing this blog is to share, with whom ever will accept it, my experiences, thoughts and critiques on my journey from undergraduate to band director. Becoming a HS band director has been my passion since high school and is by no means my finish line, but is definitely a big marker in my life journey.


So to those of you who have read so far, thanks! I look forward to many more posts to come. I cant guarantee any timeline of when they will come, but I can ensure a good sense of humor in them, and at time a very interesting way of putting things. I am very loud, confident, and Italian. (I’m also a trumpet player, some would say that’s a dangerous combination.)


Some words to leave you with: